quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Música: Girl From Another Nation

Essa aqui eu fiz na escola,na segunda,nem sei pra que.Bom, comentem pois se for bom eu guardo e se for ruim eu mudo.HA!

Girl From Another Nation
Letra: Sensei

Yesterday I met a very nice girl
She looked at me,I looked at her and my heart stayed like a swirl
I invited her to go to the Station
But she said: Where is it?I'm a girl from another nation

Girl from another nation
come with me tonight
girl from another nation
we're gonna have a lot of fun until the sunshine

Time to say goodbye,she could not stay
She was alone and so cute on my way
And I was hug her,but before I tried
she stood in front of me e kissed me so fine!

Girl from another nation
you made me so nice
girl from another nation
you're the love of my live 'till the end of the night!

Tá aê.Comenta essa joça aqui viu??HAM!

Um comentário:

  1. fico muito massa vey XD...
    quero ver as melodias pra essas letras =D


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